Johanne Godart ' pictures

 if you wish to buy a painting

please contact me by e-mail:

While indicating:  technique used (oil, watercolours etc…) as well as the name of work

If you do not wish to buy framed painting, I will indicate the price in my e-mail of return.
the payment can be carried out into 2 or 3 times, I will send the painting to you as of reception of your last payment
in this case, a calendar is joined below to facilitate the choice of your dates of payment
All my paintings are accompanied by one

You thus have the insurance that nobody will have the same painting as you.


CAUTION   : This does not concern

- “Sunflowers” and “Under the Bridge of Clichy” of Vincent Van gogh
-  copy it watercolour of Dali “Nabuchodonosor”
-  the frontage and the interior court of the Abbey of the court at Colfontaine, which were drawn in 150 numbered specimens
- certain watercolours for which I had a favorite and of which I made copies

 In this case I request 30% of installment from the order and the balance before forwarding

The payment can be done by Paypal or directly on my bank account of which I will send to you the contact by e-mail at the time of the order