Johanne Godart ' pictures

galery : private collections

Each painting is the reflection of the heart of the artist. Each painting is a favorite. With the wire of these pages I will deliver of them some anecdotes to you.


The aquarium, the siren, the bouquet of flowers dried and the fountain of Saint-Paul de Vance were worked with the knife.


I enormously took pleasure to paint Michelle Pfeifer, splendid Catwoman which I surrounded by cats of different races.

For the wildcat, I imagined the top of his face on an aggressive cat then the opposite.


It is not true that a woman can bite by making the tender eyes and throw furious glances while smiling!! lol

For the little girl, I put his photograph so that you can compare. Most difficult on a photograph, it is to determine the exact color of the eyes. Fortunately, I had the girl under the eyes and I could look at to them his with the magnifying glass, which enabled me to stick to more close to reality


The large castle is that of Braine-the-Castle.


Several of paintings taking as a starting point the nature result from various combinations.


In general dead natures are carried out starting from my compositions